Circle Stories: A Conversation with Carol Kemm

Here at Compassion in World Farming, we are very fortunate to have such dedicated supporters and we are delighted to introduce Carol Kemm who has been a proud supporter of the Circle of Compassion since 2014. Here, she has been kind enough to share her journey towards a compassionate future with us all.
When did you first learn about our work and what drew you to be a part of the Circle of Compassion?
Carol: I was aware of CIWF from the time it was started by Peter and Anna Roberts back in 1967 as they lived locally to me. I have supported CIWF for many years but felt that I could do more by belonging to the Circle of Compassion and have been a member since it’s inauguration in 2014. My office used to be in Mill Pool House, opposite the CIWF office when they moved into River Court so would have regular meetings and updates in the CIWF office. That helped me feel very involved in the organisation.
Please can you share with us your own personal journey towards Compassion for farmed animals?
Carol I have always believed that all farm animals should be looked after and treated as humanely as possible. I’m not a vegetarian or a vegan but I always try and buy organic, free range and high welfare meat.
What do you think are the greatest challenges that Compassion faces today?
Carol Since the recession of 2008 and the 2 years we suffered Covid, now followed by higher inflation I would say that the biggest problem is competing for funds, from both private donations and government help. People really can’t afford to give money even if they would like to, neither can they always afford to pay the higher prices for food produced in an ethical and cared for way.
If there were one person in history that you would wish to have a conversation with, who would it be? How do you think they’d behave if faced with the challenges of our times?
Carol: That’s difficult, maybe Queen Elizabeth the First as she had to be a very strong woman to rule the country for so many years. She’d probably make a very good Queen or Prime Minister nowadays!
Is there anything that you feel we at Compassion should be doing more of/better?
Carol: I think the regular emails / updates from Nick Palmer are very good. It’s important to let people know how campaigns are going and how they are contributing to the success of these as well as asking for donations. Unfortunately I haven’t managed to get to many of the last events you have run but I appreciate being sent the recordings of webinars and meetings when these are available, as I always get round to watching them. I think it’s important not to ‘preach’ too much and I feel that Nick’s tone is about right, as is Philip’s when he speaks on webinars or at events.