Extinction or Regeneration webinars
The Extinction or Regeneration 2023 conference provided a springboard for further discussions into topics relating to our global food system.
The subsequent webinar series offers an opportunity for a deeper dive into some of these issues, with expert speakers hosting a panel discussion and audience interaction.
Past webinars
The first webinar, held in January 2024, ‘Faith action for better human, animal, and planetary health’ was hosted by Compassion in World Farming in partnership with Conscious Food Systems Alliance (UNDP), Faith for Earth (UNEP) and FaithInvest.
Faith, Finance and Food Systems webinar
It explored the potential of faiths to change food systems. On the panel were:
- Dr Vandana Shiva, scholar and activist
- Dr Marium Husain, author of Islam and Food Systems
- Dr Martin Palmer, founding president of FaithInvest
- Azmaira Aibhai, Faith & Ecosystems Coordinator, Faith for Earth, UNEP
- Dr David Clough, Chair of Theology and Applied Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Co-founder, CreatureKind
- Dr Thomas Legrand, Lead Technical Advisor, Conscious Food Systems Alliance (UNDP)
- Joyce D'Silva, Ambassador Emeritus, Compassion in World Farming
- Chairing: Susie Weldon, Director of Communications, FaithInvest
Watch Faith action for better human, animal, and planetary health.
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