Witness the true cost of cheap meat
Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat
Philip’s first book, Farmageddon: The true cost of cheap meat, was the first to show a mainstream audience that factory farming is not only the biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet but is also at the center of what is wrong with our broken food system. Published by Bloomsbury in January 2014 and written with the then Sunday Times journalist Isabel Oakeshott, it has been published in 6 languages and gained worldwide acclaim reinforcing his reputation as one of the world’s fiercest critics of industrial farming.

Described as a fascinating and terrifying investigative journey behind the closed doors of a runaway industry across the world – from the UK, Europe and the USA, to China, Argentina, Peru and Mexico, it is both a wake-up call to change our current food production and eating practices and an attempt to find a way to a better farming future. Farmageddon: The true cost of cheap meat, was chosen as one of The Times Writers’ Books of the Year in 2014 and cited by the Mail on Sunday as a compelling ‘game changer’.
Lymbery brings to this essential subject the perspective of a seasoned campaigner – he is informed enough to be appalled, and moderate enough to persuade us to take responsibility for the system that feeds us
Guardian Book of the Week