Can cultivated meat – from stem-cells grown in a bioreactor – help us win the battle against climate change, extinction, and ill-health? Will it provide real meat but without the slaughter? Can it help create a healthier, more sustainable food system? And will it help save us from extinction?

These are just some of the pressing questions answered by a new book, Cultivated Meat to Secure Our Future: Hope for Animals, Food Security, and the Environment, co-edited by two of Europe's most influential animal activists, Michel Vandenbosch and Philip Lymbery.
Bringing together an impressive group of experts, the new book, "Cultivated Meat to Secure Our Future: Hope for Animals, Food Security, and the Environment," features contributions from esteemed experts like Chase Purdy, Dr Michael Greger, and Julian Baggini. It informs and inspires, addressing cultivated meat as a game-changer in alleviating animal suffering and resolving global crises.
Amidst record-breaking temperatures, wildfires, floods, and biodiversity loss, the book underscores the urgency of adopting better practices, science, and technology. Cultivated meat emerges as a promising solution to create a healthier, more humane, and sustainable food system.
Essential reading for those seeking solutions to environmental challenges and the impact of our food choices, this book provides a well-rounded perspective from renowned experts, contributing to the ongoing dialogue about the future of food.
Factory farms cause unacceptable cruelty to sentient animals and major damage to the environment. This book demonstrates that cultivated meat can play an important role in closing them down.
Dr Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) and UN Messenger of Peace
Producing meat from animals on the vast scale that is happening now is an environmental disaster and a grave public health risk. Can cultivated meat truly secure our future? Michel Vandenbosch and Philip Lymbery have brought together an impressive group of experts to answer this question.
Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University
Available from all leading bookstores.