Commonly used digital tools
- Umbraco: This is our CMS for the main websites and where public-facing images and documents are uploaded.
- Engaging Networks (EN): European and non-US users log in or USA log in. This is where we currently build all our broadcast emails. We also build our landing pages here for actions, appeals, data capture pages, and automated sequences. EN has its own image library where graphics relating to emails and pages built in EN are hosted.
- Assetbank: This is where all original images are stored. Mainly for internal use but light boxes can be created to share assets with external organisations. The IT team will arrange access.
- Document Manager (DM): This is where internal documents are stored and final versions are stored. The IT team will arrange access.
- SharePoint: Most offices use SharePoint to collaborate on documents which in working progress and share assets for campaigns etc.
- Sales Force: This is where you can create cases for CRM team or Digital Team to address. Where appeal codes and tracking are created for links. All of our donation transactions are pushed through SF, it stores data about our supporters and many other things but these are the key things that will concern you. We also have a knowledge section about campaigns and our stance on various issues. CRM and Digital use salesforce cases for work requests – details of how to log one
- Site Improve: This is a digital tool we use to help manage the quality and accessibility of our web page content on our ciwf domain web pages.
Setting up 2 factor authentication (2FA)
Engaging Networks, Umbraco, Campaign Monitor, Netsuite, Google Ads accounts.
- Install Google Authenticator App on your phone. This is different to the Microsoft one we use for other systems.
- Login to the account you want to access using your email address and password given to you. If you have access to multiple accounts you will need to ensure the password used is the same for all accounts.
- At the 2FA setup page after logging in, open your Google Authenticator App on your mobile phone and click on the coloured + symbol in the lower right corner.
- Select Scan QR code.
- Save the code with a name that you will recognise for the Account. If you have access to multiple accounts, you will need to save a unique code for each account. DO NOT overwrite existing codes for other accounts with new codes created. It’s helpful to name each code something like EN-UK, Umbraco etc
Google Docs Access
To access some of our shared Google docs please create a gmail account with your work email -
Follow the "Use an existing email address" directions.
All of our guides can be found in the Digital Guide Hub.
If you are a content creator, editor, campaigner, or fundraiser please make sure you read all the guidance in the Guidelines section.
How To Section: These guides will help you when building landing pages, emails, and social media ads.
Organising Tracked Links
When creating campaigns it can be helpful to keep track of all the links for a given campaign in one place. Here are two action campaigns and two appeal campaigns that you might like to create a template from and organise something similar. It is helpful for our testing team as well if you can share this with them.
Autoresponder email HTML library blocks
Unfortunately, the autoresponder emails for Engaging Networks pages do not yet use the drag-and-drop functionality that the broadcast emails have. These emails must be edited using the Advanced HTML editor tab. These are the library of content blocks for Engaging Networks thank you autoresponder emails:
Sales Force
Creating campaign codes and tracked links
It would be helpful if you can complete the CRM Sales Force training videos which teach you in general terms how to set up campaign codes and how to set up parent appeal codes for other codes to be grouped under before the Creating Tracked Links training session.
The first two, in particular, would be very helpful for the training session which will cover how to apply these techniques to campaigns and appeals you will work on. Sometimes campaign codes are referred to as appeal codes. It’s the same thing.
Supporter Fundraising Campaigns 1 - Creating Campaign Codes
How to create and clone, new Supporter Fundraising Campaigns - including the compilation of Campaign Codes.
- Creating a new Supporter Fundraising Campaign (00:29)
- How a Campaign Code is compiled (03:30)
- Cloning Supporter Fundraising Campaigns (05:00)
Supporter Fundraising Campaigns 2 – Hierarchies (Parent Campaign) What are Campaign Hierarchies and how to create them.
• Creating a Campaign Hierarchy (01:35)
• What a Campaign Hierarchy looks like (05:30)
Supporter Fundraising Campaigns 3 - URL Generation Looks at how to generate tracked URLs for both EN and non-EN links, pages, emails etc.
• Generating a URL (00:52)
• Creating a tracked URL for an EN page (02:27)
• Creating a URL without UTM Parameters (internal web links to EN pages) (07:14)
• Creating a URL for non-EN pages (08:58)
Digital guide to generating tracked links:
Sales Force Fundraising Campaign code make-up explained and how to select the correct type:
Email and landing page testing
All new digital content needs to be tested by the digital team. Small edits to existing pages are not necessary.
It is helpful and will save a lot of time for everyone if you check your work before creating a test case for the Digital Team. Remember to check your work on both mobile and desktop devices.
Using the quick checklist will help you to do this effectively. Select the file for your office and save it in your bookmarks. Copy the master tab each time and name the new tab with your email campaign name or page name. Confirm you have checked your work and attach a copy of your completed checklist to your Sales Force test request case. Your test will not be started by Digital team unless this has been done.
There is also a quick essentials checklist in the email building guide and there is another for Umbraco web page build in the Umbraco Building Guide.
Email and landing page test requests should be submitted to the Digital Team at least three working days before the day you wish to send your email / promote the landing page.
For campaigns where numerous offices are launching a new campaign on the same day, depending on the complexity, we would require more time for testing. Please check with the Digital Team during the planning stages.
Auto Responder Thank you Email Check:
For action journey’s; take the action twice with a different email address each time so you can receive both versions of the autoresponder thank you emails: emails opt in and opt out. The opt out version should never contain a donation ask or other marketing promotion.
For donation page autoresponder thank you emails; since you would need to make various types of donations to receive them all which would be difficult to achieve, you can use HTML Viewer tool instead.
Copy the html code from the Advanced HTML editor area in EN and paste into the left-hand window of the Freeware.
This generates a preview in the right hand side window. Click the download or share buttons to share with colleagues and to be able to view the email in a browser tab and click the links to check they all work.

Downloading the file will enable you to be able to save and share with colleagues via email or Teams chats. You can also use the Save and Share option in the top left but it has an expiry period.
Email Addresses For Testing
Handy Tools
Character count tool:
Convert Case Tool:
HTML Viewer Tool:
PhotoPea: free image editor tool
Contrast Checker: ensure text on coloured or photo backgrounds meets our accessibility standards.
Site Improve
If you are responsible for a section/s of your offices website as a content creator or editor there are key things to check every week:
Quality Assurance > Links >
- Pages with broken links
- PDF's with broken links (prioritise the PDFs that get hits)
- Links to Unsafe Domains (there should be very little of these)
Quality Assurance
- Spelling > Pages with Misspellings or words to review
Policy > My Policies >
- Broken Media Files
- Hompages missing alt text
- Images missing alt attribute
- External links that don't open in a new tab
- Links to documents that don't open in a new tab
- Internal links with utm tracking
- http mixed content on https pages
- Short words repeated in succession (looking for typo repeated words)
Digital Team Members Only
Assigning SalesForce Cases
Use the reference sheet to help you assign cases to the correct team member.
Email Testing Sales Force Cases
Add details to the Email Testing calendar when assigning test cases. Assets due date is the date they expect to send the test to the Digital Producer. Due Date is the date they need the test completed by to send the email or schedule for sending.
In the calendar create the item as an all-day event. Invite the Digital Producer and the person asking for the test. Include a link to the SalesForce Test case and note the send date in the invitation body. Title the invite in this format:
Digital Producers Initials – Name of person requesting the test – Country it’s for using two letter code – Short description of the test.
When assigning the case add a comment asking for the checklist to be completed before the testing due date and for the checklist to be attached/link shared in the case.
Use this checklist when checking colleagues' work. It has sections for Email Broadcasts, Engaging Networks and Umbraco pages.
Before checking any email test please confirm that the producer has checked their own work. The producer should complete the producer's checklist and attach a copy/link to the Sales Force case.
You must check emails in Outlook and Gmail. If you don't have a Gmail account set one up for testing purposes.