Farming has been Andy’s full focus for 20 years. After he read about the environmental consequences of food production, his life was turned upside down. He became fascinated with the soil, plants and the miracle at work in the few inches of topsoil that sustains us.
He sold the rights to the songs he had written to buy a farm. It was a brutal lesson: he was farming heavily-depleted soils and attempting to do so without chemicals but also without a holistic alternative plan. This led him to founding Wildfarmed, a food and farming business that grows regenerative wheat to make flour, with his co-founders George Lamb and Edd Lees.
His belief is that food and farming are our greatest points of agency to deal with the multiple crises we face. If we can give a largely urban population affordable food choices that allow them to participate in restoring nature and health, it’s an incredibly powerful and hopeful message.