Our story
For the sake of tomorrow, big changes are needed today
Ending factory farming will bring better lives to billions of farm animals, save wildlife from extinction, improve our health, and leave a planet fit for future generations.
Yet this is only possible if we radically change the way we produce our food and end our reliance on animal protein, before it’s too late.
Factory farming is the single biggest cause of animal cruelty and a major driver of climate change so only by ending the needless suffering of farm animals can we hope to safeguard the future of our planet.
This need for a holistic approach to food production was one of the main motivators for farmer Peter Roberts when he founded Compassion in 1967. He would be proud that today, Compassion is a powerful global movement, achieving profound and enduring advancements in farm animal welfare and highlighting the impacts of factory farming on the health of our people and our precious planet.
You can discover more about the founding of Compassion and Peter's remarkable life in Roaming Wild by Emma Silverthorn.

Our Story
It was concern at the growing disconnect between modern agriculture and the well-being of animals and the environment that motivated dairy farmer, Peter Roberts, to found Compassion in 1967. He would be proud that today, Compassion is an influential worldwide movement present at many key decision-making forums from the United Nations to the World Trade Organisation.

Driving Change: Compassion in World Farming's Global Impact
We have teams in 12 countries worldwide, we investigate and expose the true costs of factory farming and we call to account those with the power to change our food policies. We work in partnership with inspirational supporters, progressive policymakers and visionary companies to transform our global food system.
Together, we have won EU-wide bans on barren cages and crates and the routine use of antibiotics. Animals are now legally recognised across the EU as ‘sentient’, capable of feeling joy, pain, and suffering. We have worked with more than a thousand of the world’s leading food companies on game-changing commitments, such as no longer selling eggs from caged hens.
Where next?
But there is much more to be done and we are running out of time. Billions more animals still suffer in factory farms across the globe, deprived of everything that makes life worth living, and our broken food system continues to ravage the planet.
Only by ending this needless suffering can we hope to safeguard our future.
Everyone has the right to healthy food that does not involve cruelty, suffering, or the destruction of our planet. By reducing reliance on animals to provide food, coupled with changes to farming that allow animals, nature, people, and the planet to thrive, we really can change the world.
Join us today and change billions of lives. And yours.